ZbigZ is always the best for downloading torrent files with high speed and less complexities. I will always recommend you to use zbigz because of its high speed torrent caching for premium members but for a Free user like me Zbigz just can’t help us anyway (150KBPS max for free user
Zbigz alternatives 1 :
Follow this link. ByteBX is simply the best ZBIGZ alternative which is free and fast. Bytebx Premium service is far better than Zbigz. Bytebx Premium account has no Download Speed limitation which is Super Cool . I have tested this site by downloading with Firefox Downthemall Addon and got more than 5 MBPS. This Site gives 100 GB bandwidth for premium users those who buy Premium 100 Package . Bytebx has a very nice user interface and you will be able to download your torrent file without any hassle. You can either upload .torrent to ByteBX or paste Magnetic link to ByteBX, It will cache the torrent and they will upload the files to your personal account and after a few minutes you will get the Direct Download link. Use Internet Download manager or DOWNTHEMALL Firefox Addon for tweaking download speed (Yeah knows all Cool guys).Zbigz alternatives 2 :
Filestream is the best torrent caching site which is giving away free 10 GB torrent caching Bandwidth for liftetime. You can try their Premium service for 7 Day trial after that your account will be converted to “free” . If you are satisfied with their service you can buy any premium package starting from just 1.99$. Don’t worry You can download big size torrent files with free account too and speed will be the same. I tried Filestream personally and got Downloading speed more that 2MBPS++ from free account. If you buy premium service you will get more high speed and more bandwidth. While Signing up at Filestream use this PROMO code >> uu02ixnnnb and you will Get 1$ instantly on your Filestream account. You can buy Premium service from them with this 1$. Hurry up!! This offer will expire on 16/04/2014.Zbigz alternatives 3:
Furk is also a great service provider for torrent caching and downloading online by IDM or DOWNTHEMALL. First you need to Register here . Its free to register but you need to provide an Invitation code to proceed. What if you don’t have a invitation code? Simple, then sign up using FACEBOOK . Make sure to login to facebook and it will sync your account with facebook. I personally recommend Furk.net for Large Torrent files but its Server speed is Moderate . I got arround 600 KBps average .Zbigz alternatives 4 :
I am going to introduce with you a new website for downloading torrent files.The procedure is the same. You have to follow the same procedure as you do with zbigz. Copy paste some Magnet link or uplaod .torrent from your computer to this website after you Register there and will cache the torrent for you. This site only gives one torrent download possible but it will be a great if you have a very large file e.g more than 6GB torrent to download.This site has the following advantages:
- It supports a lots of file sharing sites as well as Torrents. A small lists of the sites.
- Download speed is awesome. You will get the maximum speed provided by your INTERNET SERVICE provider. I got around 1 MBps download speed.
Zbigz alternatives 5 :
I put this thing at the last because this site is in russian language and you need a Russian IP to download torrent files. I guess Google Translator will help you guysSo try these alternatives and let me know if any one of these doesn’t work.
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